I entirely understand concerns expressed by constituents about the HS2 preparatory works and the possible impact of the review into the project Ministers have now announced.
Over the last two weeks I have met with the managers of the HS2 project and the Minister for Transport. voicing my concerns and the concerns of my residents about the vegetation which will be difficult or impossible to replace, in particular the Cubbington Pear Tree and the ancient woodlands. I have further stressed this category of works should be delayed until there is greater clarity about the potential outcomes of the review. The Cubbington Pear Tree will not now be removed, until the Oakervee Review is completed. Furthermore, I have been assured by HS2 that only the fencing of the area will take place in September with minimal disruption to the woodlands, with clearance beginning not before October. I am meeting again with HS2 at the end of the month.