WRCC (Warwickshire Rural Community Council) has been running the Warm Hubs project for two years.
Warm Hubs are warm, safe places where residents can expect a friendly and inclusive welcome. People can come along on their own, or with a friend, and talk to others over a hot drink or maybe a hot meal.
In addition, Warm Hubs frequently host events. A Warm Hub event could include a weekly coffee morning or a monthly breakfast club, a repair café session or a meetup for carers, a wellbeing session or a slow cooking course to help people budget for heating and eating. WRCC launch events and collaborate with the community groups running each Warm Hub on an ongoing basis.
The broader Warm Hubs Network runs throughout Warwickshire, with five permanent accredited Warm Hubs in WRCC’s Warm Hubs network and a further 56 Winter Warm Hubs (running from October/November 2022 to March 2023) run by community organisations.
You can find your nearest Warm Hub or Winter Warm Hub by visiting WRCC's website here.
For specific locations within my constituency, please use the drop-down menu for more information.
If you wish to apply to become a Winter Warm Hub, please call 01789 842182 or email [email protected].